SustainAblility Partners

About Us

SustainAbility Partners

Reduce Risk, Create Value

Change is inevitable if we are to deliver on the promise of ESG and sustainable strategies. Truly successful ESG and Sustainable innovation requires defining a purpose and then developing the skills, talent, leaders, and culture needed to achieve it.
Sustainable Partners will be with you from the beginning to the end of ESG management.

ERT(Entrepreneurship Round Table) member club

Entrepreneurship Round Table
ERT corporate declaration
Our company goes beyond its past role of creating jobs and profits through growth and pursues a 'new entrepreneurship spirit' to cherish and develop together with all stakeholders surrounding the company, including customers, organizational members, shareholders, partners, and the local community. We would like to declare and put into practice.
Economic value
We will create good jobs and increase economic value through continuous innovation and growth.
Ethical values
We will increase ethical values through trust and respect for stakeholders outside the company.
Corporate culture
We will create a corporate culture where organizational members can feel rewarded and develop.
We will practice eco-friendly management for a cleaner future and better life.
We will strive to grow together with the community where we work and live.


Field of work

ESG management does not simply refer to good management activities.

It is a paradigm that has already been established in the global world and is an essential condition for corporate survival.
Sustainability Partners provides clear solutions based on action-oriented evidence, not slogans.

ESG awareness diffusion and internalization training

In order to establish corporate ESG management, we provide customized education services that reflect the characteristics of the business, starting with ESG basic lectures.

Establishment of ESG system and preparation of sustainability management report

Effectively establishes an ESG strategy system based on a thorough analysis of the company's internal and external factors and Establishment of a system appropriate for the company and preparation of a report for disclosure by seeking to strengthen connectivity with the existing strategic system

Research method and research flow chart

환경/요구분석, ESG경영 체계수립, ESG경영 개선방안 도출

Report writing process (example)

Review of basic data and Trend benchmarking

Main activities

  • Kick-off, establishment of action plan, basic draft of table of contents
  • Review management status
  • ISO 26000 Diagnosis
  • TFT composition and training
  • Global Benchmarking


  • Promotion schedule plan
  • Launch meeting program
  • Detailed execution plan
  • Educational materials (based on GRI educational materials)

ESG management strategy Securing connectivity

Main activities

  • Media analysis
  • Stakeholder Survey
  • Prioritization
  • Identify stakeholder issues
  • Materiality Assessment


  • Stakeholder Participation Strategy and Plan
  • Stakeholder Interview Summary
  • Internal/external stakeholders
  • Awareness survey
  • Materiality assessment results

Sustainability Management Report writing

Main activities

  • Data collection and processing
  • Presentation of ESG management strategy linkage and system improvement plan
  • Report framework composition and planning


  • Deriving major reporting issues
  • Stakeholder Analysis ReportSustainability Report
  • Planning direction and concept

Third party verification response and Final publication of report

Main activities

  • Report writing
  • ISO 26000 Implementation Diagnosis
  • Verification scope and standard setting, third party verification
  • Design and Publishing


  • Draft for TFT review and internal circulation
  • ISO 26000 Implementation Level Diagnosis Report
  • Third Party Verification Report
  • Publication of sustainability management report

Establishing internal processes and Promotional support

Main activities

  • GRI registration
  • Report promotion support
  • Maps prepared by field
  • Submission of final report


  • GRI reporting level
  • Report Communication Plan
  • Present direction for future report publication
  • Final report

ESG supply chain due diligence and diagnosis/evaluation response

Deriving follow-up management plans and strategic tasks through ESG supply chain due diligence and diagnosis for partnership strategy

Lead Consultant

Lead Consultant

Hyesub Jeong Leader Consultant

  • (Former) Evaluation member of the Government Innovation Evaluation Group
  • (Former) KMA Korea Management Association Public Policy Project Team Leader
  • (Former) KMA Korea Management Association External Cooperation Office ESG Management Team Manager
  • (Current) CEO of Sustainability Partners Co., Ltd.
  • KMA TV (YouTube) domestic and overseas ESG issue pick process
  • Experience in planning and operating multiple training programs, including ESG in-house expert course, ESG CEO course, and ESG leader training course
  • Lectures at the Local Public Enterprise Evaluation Institute, Local Autonomy Talent Development Institute, Gyeonggi Province Economic and Science Promotion Agency, LG Academy etc.
  • Experience in carrying out projects such as establishing a power system, developing ESG indicators, sustainability management reports, and small and medium-sized enterprise ESG diagnosis and due diligence.



Sustainable Partners strives to create a sustainable society together with external partners.

  • Sustain
  • 공공정책전략연구소
  • 코리아크레딧뷰로
  • 사단법인 한국ESG경영개발원
  • ESG Partners
  • AbilityLab
  • Hanatour ITC
  • Mice link
  • 노무법인 여산
  • Livit
  • Studio PND

Contact Us

Contact Us

361, World Cup buk-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea